Daniel Orson Ybarra (Montevideo 1957)


He is currently working in Geneva, Switzerland preparing a solo exhibition show that will be represented by the gallery owner Laurent Marthaler in Zurich next year 2019.


Daniel is an artist who is a great reader and works tirelessly, his work aspires to the monumentality of the texts on which it is based; Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Wagensberg, of course Galeano, Benedetti and never missing in their conversations any quotation from the master Jorge Luis Borges or Julio Cortazar.


Conversing is what he does when he is not painting, as a seed sower talks with everyone and connects, with his experiences with the most unexpected characters, a filmmaker here, a Sheikh around, that's why it's so interesting his production because Daniel's life is what many aspire to, full of trips, characters, interesting and beautiful women, a life lived and sometimes overflowing.


Portrait at the Zermatt, Switzerland